Tuesdays With Dorie: Chipster-Topped Brownies
This week's Tuesdays With Dorie recipe, Chipster-Topped Brownies, might just be the most genius idea in baking I have ever encountered: rich, fudgy brownies topped with a chocolate chip cookie crust.
I feel like I could stop writing this post now and you would still be dying to make this recipe. But as genius as this recipe idea is, I did have some issues with the execution.Dorie said to bake the brownie bars for 50-55 minutes. I baked these for 50 minutes and thought they were done, but discovered the next day that they were, in fact, a pile of mush (with a perfectly crisped cookie crust). I baked them for another 30 minutes but found that while the edges were beginning to dry out, the center of the brownie batter was still quite soft. Still, this dessert tasted fantastic - even better with cookies and creme ice cream. Yum.
So when I make it again - and I need to, because this kind of genius must be given another chance - I'm planning on baking the brownie batter for awhile on its own (for at least 15 minutes) before spooning the cookie batter over top. Mushiness and all, this recipe was a huge hit with my boyfriend, his roommate, and his family, so a perfectly cooked version is bound to go over even better.
For the recipe, visit Beth of Supplicious, who was wise enough to choose this dessert. Thanks, Beth!